Help launch the next coloring book!

The opportunity has come that you can help launch the next coloring book. I need to secure $1,000.00 to launch the book to be available digitally, and $2,500.00 to launch the book to be available in print.

Some important information about this project:

  • The art is almost complete for the full coloring book. This coloring book comes in 3 intensity levels currently with others planned in the future. Currently we have basic (the simplest form), intermediate (for someone with more patience, time, skill, or who likes a little more detail in their images), and intense (for people (mostly adults) who are looking for something to work on slowly, or who like high levels of intricate details).

  • You can see some examples of the images below.

  • Once this book is launched, it will be available to the public via multiple venues including this website. Every single book that is purchased will create a book donation (one for one) to organizations such as foster care agencies, childcare centers, hospitals, rehab centers, etc. who can use the book(s) for their programs towards therapy, entertainment, education and more.

You have three options to support this project - choose which best fits your situation (or if you think we are extra special do them both!):

  • Donation: You can donate any amount, just make sure that it notes you are supporting the “next coloring book project” and it will be applied to the total. There are several sites you can donate through linked below.

  • Subscribe to MooreArtByLucy via the SubscribeStar website.

  • Share this page with someone who would be interested either in the coloring books themselves or in supporting the project. Word of mouth is my main marketing tool. If you feel you are happy with my products/services, there is no better way for me to get the word out and no better marketing than that of a satisfied customer. Share with people what we are doing here, and we will grow and be able to make these releases more quickly and easily.

You can find buttons for the various support activities, as well as view some artwork from this and other coloring books below!

What you get out of financially supporting:

  • You will be named in the credits (with the name you choose) of every book that gets printed and in the credits log of every digital version of the book that gets sold.

  • Subscription via SubscribeStar has additional bonuses which you can find out by reading my public posts on my profile page at

The next coloring book subject is:


Current Donation Amount:


What makes these coloring books special, hrmm?

These coloring books are a unique take on the traditional idea of a coloring book.

They are digitally based, and allow you have unlimited printing capabilities so you can color a page as many times as you want.  This gives you the freedom to experiment, explore, try new tools, media, and /or surfaces, and just generally relax and play.

When the print goal is reached, the coloring book will be made available as a printed version, which will give you a link to a digital version where you can reprint the images from.  The print version is the same coloring book, but you have a physical copy, which is special/nostalgic/important to some.

The value of these donations will be put toward the costs of providing the coloring books to the public (storage, web hosting, etc.) and in the case of the print version goal, getting the coloring book setup for publishing, and getting first stock printed for distribution.

Anyone who donates more than $10.00 to the initial goal of the digital version will get access to the digital version for "free".

Anyone who donates more than $35.00 to the print version goal will get the print version for "free".

*you will need to provide your address - of course*

If you want both, make sure your donation is over $45.00 and you will automatically get access to both.

If you want to stay up to date about the status of this process, please register for our True Fans subscription! Its free, and you stay up to date on all the happenings as soon as they happen.

There are only a couple limitations with these coloring books once you have them!

  1. You cannot redistribute the images uncolored.  That means no sharing the raw line art or grayscale files.  The actual purchase of the coloring book is not much, so, instead of sharing the image/book out, link someone to where to buy it. This way they get the full rights with their purchase that you have.
    Each image is copyrighted as they stand in the coloring book, so you cannot redistribute the images without you actually coloring them and/or sufficiently changing them.

  2. As a gesture of good faith in you and your ideas, you have the optional right use the coloring book line art to print/get printed on any surface you want to create a unique work. 
    This does not give you the right to reproduce the coloring book as a coloring book in any form. You must change the image via your coloring and/or the material and your piece must be unique. You may repeat the same process on another piece to make multiples, but it must be individually done and processed.
    As a common courtesy and as a gesture of good faith in return - before you make your item(s) using my pages for sell as a business or a hobby, please contact me so I can know what is being done - this will save you and me a lot of headaches in the future if questions or questionable situations arise.  I just like to know what is going on with the things I produce - I am not going to make unreasonable demands or try to take away your ideas, I love the creativity my customers and fans come up with!  You might even get a shoutout in a post, video, or newsletter!